Guarantor - Mimotohoshonin
Here are frequently asked questions and answers about guarantor in various visa applications.

A guarantor should be a Japanese?
A guarantor should be a Japanese or Permanent resident?
A guarantor should be someone in my family?
A guarantor should be someone who is staying near my
All answer for the questions above is ‘No’ for changing visa status or extension applications.
For PR application, you need a guarantor who is either Japanese or PR.
For spouse visa application including long term visa with a spouse who has long term, a guarantor should be your spouse.
Guarantor can be your friend, colleague or acquaintance. It is not necessarily your family member.
Your guarantor can be someone who is staying in Japan. But if your spouse is temporarily staying overseas, he/she can be your guarantor with some explanation.
3 year visa holder can be a guarantor for visa extension application.
I am a child of Japanese. Do I need my father to be my guarantor always?
I have long term visa and have been staying in Japan for long. Do I need a guarantor for my
extension application?
For both questions, the answer is ‘no’.
When you get a visa as a child of Japanese or long term visa for the first time or COE application, you need a guarantor. But it should not be your father for the question 1.
If your residing situation is stable enough, you could apply extension without a guarantor. Actually, one of my clients who has 1 year long term visa could get 3 year visa without a guarantor a month ago.
Can my company be my guarantor?
No. Guarantor should be an individual. A company cannot be your guarantor.
A guarantor should prepare employment certificate and tax documents, always?
No. For spouse visa holder, your spouse can be/needs to be your guarantor even if he/she
doesn’t work. And if your working situation is steady enough, only a guarantor letter is ok for
most applications.
Can I apply PR without a guarantor?
No. Currently you need a guarantor for PR application. And only Japanese or PR holder can
be a guarantor for PR application. -
Requirements from a guarantor changed a few years ago. Only ID like residence card, driving license, my number card or so is required.
Can you be my guarantor or can you find a guarantor for me?
Unfortunately, no I cannot. Preferably, a guarantor should be someone whom you know
personally. -
There is some company that provides you a guarantor with money. It is not illegal business. I have asked Immigration once if you accept such a guarantor. The officer’s answer is it is acceptable. They don’t examine the relation between an applicant and a guarantor.
However, we think your guarantor should be someone whom you know personally. And I think requesting money for being a guarantor is not be ethically right.
Contact us for any concerns.