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Permanent Residency

Here are frequently asked questions and our answers.


We are required to pay pension for 2 years.  If I join pension now and pay for the last 2 years, it would be ok for PR application?

Not ok. You need to pay pension for 2 years without any late. If you pay now for the last 2 years. It is considered as late payments. So, you cannot get PR.

I didn’t pay pension in a few years after I came to Japan. Then I joined Social Insurance(Shakaihoken) and paid everything for the last 5 years. Unpayment before would affect my PR application now?

No, it would not affect as long as you paid properly for the last 2 years.

I started joining Shakaihoken 2 years ago. I had one unpayment when I had Kokuminhoken (national pension) and I paid it in the last year. If I apply PR now, my late payment would affect?

No. If you paid pension for the past 2 years without any late, other late payment would not affect PR application.

Between my country and Japan, there is some agreement about pension. I pay pension in my country. If so, I can apply PR without Japanese pension?

Right. If there is an agreement about 2 countries, joining pension in the own country would be ok for PR application.

My country doesn’t have such agreement with Japan. I pay pension in my country. Is that ok, too?

Unfortunately, no. You need to join pension in Japan if you want to apply PR.

I started to pay Kokumin nenkin 5 years ago. I have been paying continuously till now. But 2 years ago, my income was down so I applied exemption to pay. For 1 year I paid only three forth(3/4). Is that ok for PR application?

Unfortunately not ok. Immigration sees requesting exemption to pay means your financial situation is not stable enough for PR application.

My daughter turned out 20 years old in the last year. She goes to college. Recently I requested exemption to pay pension for her because she is student. I want to apply pension with her now. Is there any problem?

If she is student, she/you could apply exemption for pension payment. But if you didn’t do it promptly when she turned out 20 years old, Immigration would see it is your neglection to fulfill your obligation as a parent. So not only for her, your PR application might be disapproved because of this matter.

My wife is my dependent. She is under my Shakaihoken. Her annual income was 140 man yen in the last year. Is there any issue for our PR application?

Yes. There is a big issue. Once your wife starts earning more than 130 man yearly, she should get out of your Shakaihoken. If she is still under your shakaihoken, you are violating the rule and would affect your PR application.

Shakaihoken is better than Kokumin hoken/nenkin?

For the matter of health insurance, no difference. For pension, kokumin nenkin’s payment is fixed at 16,000yen monthly but the amount of Shakaihoken payment is accorded to your salary. So, in the future, when you receive pension, if you joined Shakaihoken, the amount of pension would be higher.

For PR application, no difference between Shakaihoken and Kokuminhoken. But if you have Shakaihoken, your company deducts some from your monthly salary for health insurance and pension and they pay it. Therefore no late payment happens. But national health insurance and pension, you need to pay it by yourself. And it is easily for you to past the due date. As I repeatedly tell you, one late payment and only one day late, it would affect PR application.

I am a child of Japanese and my visa status is spouse etc. of Japanese. The requirements are same as a spouse of Japanese?

No. It is simpler. If you are a child of Japanese or PR and your visa status is spouse etc. of Japanese or PR, you need to present tax/income documents only for 1 year while spouse visa holder needs to present 3 year documents. So if you have this visa, you have bigger chance to get PR. But the requirement that you should join pension at least for 2 years without late payment is same with others.

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